Les Marmitons

Les Marmitons is a gastronomic and social club of gentlemen who share a common interest in fine food, wine and the culinary arts. Through regular gatherings, members gain knowledge and experience in the preparation, and presentation of various fine cuisines under the direction of a specially selected professional chef.   ( click here for the photo page )

Tree & Twig Heirloom Vegetable Farm

Tree & Twig Heirloom Vegetable Farm
84039 Regional Road 45. Wellandport, ON

At the Tree and Twig Heirloom Vegetable Farm their specialty and passion is Heirloom vegetables. Heirloom vegetables are an exciting way to try new and unusual tastes, shapes and colours.

Lotus Reads
Know someone that enjoys Indian food but is intimidated by how long it can take to prepare? Give them Geeta Maini’s book. Her recipes are truly simple and easy to follow without compromising on taste or authenticity. Not just that, in “An Affair with Indian Cooking” Geeta also shares, through her recipes, her culinary heritage and recipes enjoyed by generations of her own family. In my opinion, this book is the perfect introduction to Indian cuisine ..

